Listen to 'em.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I almost landed a Double Heelflip and a 360 Inward Heelflip last Saturday and Sunday. Hahaha. I did land the 360 Inward Heelflip, but I lean too far back, so I fell on my back. FUCKING PAINFUL. But I get the feeling already. Hahaha. Today tried Double Heelflip, but I fell on my butt before the deck turned halfway to the top. Sigh. Need to practice more. Hahaha. Planning on how to talk to Her with Hafiz just now. Hahaha. Like small boy trying to get a girl sia. Hahaha. But, I damn shy uh when I saw her or things like that. Dunno why uh. Just comes to me every time I see her. Like boy see new toy then dunno what to say. Hahaha! But the funny thing is, she didn't know that I was talking about her when she talked about it. She even asked me to go and talk to her. Hahaha! She is encouraging me to talk to her! Got signal already! Hahaha. Now I just need to control my eager and try to be normal. For that ONE moment. Any suggestions on how to talk to girls without choking? In serious need for suggestion. Hahaha. Anything just drop a message at msn or Facebook or just message me at my phone, okay?:D Buhbye!